Learning Objectives
- Understand both restorative and surgical implant assessment and treatment planning
- Understand straightforward and advanced implant prosthodontics and surgery
- Be exposed to complex implant prosthetics and surgery
- Understand the current concepts in implant dentistry
- Biological principles of implant dentistry
- Case assessment
- Radiography for implant dentistry
- SAC classification
- Timing of implant placement
- Augmentation materials
- Implants in aesthetic zone
- Approaches for implants in the posterior maxilla & mandible
- Immediate loading
- Bone versus tissue level
- Loading protocols
- Management of biological complications
- Implant complications
- Case discussions
Live procedures include:
- Single implant placement
- Multiple implant placement for fixed bridge work
- Lower implant retained full dentures
- Simultaneous grafting
- Impression techniques and provisionalisation for single and multiple implants
Hands-on sessions include:
- Placement of bone level implants
- Impression techniques for dental implants
- Provisionalisation of dental implants
- Managing complications
Case discussions cover:
- Assessment
- Treatment Planning
- Tips for improving outcomes
- Strasse88 4052 ReinachSuisse
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