2016 International Symposium Osteology

Langue :

Du 21 au 23 Avril 2016

Grimaldi Forum

10 Avenue Princesse Grace 98000 Monaco Monaco

Organisé par

Osteology Foundation
Voir tous les événements

  • Founding Partner Workshops
  • Gold Partner Workshops
  • Osteology Master Clinician Courses
  • Osteology Workshops (5 pratical and 3 theoretical)
  • Long term implant success in regenerated bone
  • Clinical Decision for posterior maxilla
  • Decision making after tooth extraction - an interactive discussion
  • GBR - What is the news?
  • Peri implantitis - Why does it occur and how do we treat?
  • Treatment of demanding gingival recession - an interactive discussion

Liens et documents


  • Baumann Andrea
  • 35 Landenbergstrasse
    6005 Luzern


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