Digital Technologies: Simplicity And Predicatability

Langue :

Du 15 au 16 Septembre 2023

Royal Continental Hotel

38 Via Partenope 80121 Napoli Italie

Organisé par

DDS - Digital Dentistry Society
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Digital technologies are transforming dentistry, increasing diagnostic precision and the suitability of treatment plans.
The introduction in dentistry of intraoral, desktop and face scanners, digital condylographs, and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) allows the acquisition of all 3D patient data. These data are automatically processed by artificial intelligence to obtain a complete virtual 3D model of the patient. The “virtual patient” is an essential tool for artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis and for planning surgical, prosthetic and orthodontic treatments.
The software and modern virtual and augmented reality systems (holography) allow for planning the 3D treatment and even remotely discussing with the dental laboratory. Moreover, they represent crucial tools for communicating with the patient. Finally, milling machines, 3D printers and laser sintering units allow the production of fixed and removable prosthetic restorations, models and surgical templates, bite splints, and aligners.
The procedures become “minimally invasive” and “biologically inspired”: ceramic materials with exceptional biological and aesthetic performance are used, and treatments are patient-centred, with “custom-made” solutions. These solutions are designed and manufactured for the specific anatomical-functional needs of each patient.
The National Association of Italian Dentists (ANDI) and the Digital Dentistry Society (DDS) look forward to welcoming you to the Congress on Friday, 15th and Saturday, 16th September 2023, in Naples.

Dr. Bruno Oliva , ANDI Cultural Secretary
Prof. Fernando Zarone, 
Ambassador of DDS Italy
Dr. Angela Rovera, 
ANDI National Secretary

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  • Digital Dentistry Society office


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    Venise, Italie
    DDS - Digital Dentistry Society