PraticienExpositionAnesthésie, réanimationChirurgie orale, pathologie Hypnose, sédation, psychothérapieEndodontieEsthétiqueHygiène, stérilisationImagerie médicale, radioprotectionImplantologieInformatiqueOcclusodontieOdontologie conservatrice et restauratriceOdontologie pédiatriqueOrthopédie dento-facialeParodontologieProphylaxie, préventionProthèse, CFAOOdontologie légale, santé publique
22th International specialized exhibition of medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and stomatology
"MoldMedizin & MoldDent " is the most important event for the health care sector in Moldova, which aims to develop local market medical products and services .
The exhibition aims to contribute to equipping medical institutions in the country with technology and advanced equipment for diagnosis and treatment.
- 1 Ghioceilor str. MD-2008ChișinăuMoldavie
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