PraticienExpositionAnesthésie, réanimationChirurgie orale, pathologie Hypnose, sédation, psychothérapieEndodontieEsthétiqueHygiène, stérilisationImagerie médicale, radioprotectionImplantologieInformatiqueOcclusodontieOdontologie conservatrice et restauratriceOdontologie pédiatriqueOrthopédie dento-facialeParodontologieProphylaxie, préventionProthèse, CFAOOdontologie légale, santé publique
- Adult decisions on children's admission
- Opportunities surgical periodontal
- Laser Dentistry
- Methods of restoration of the front teeth
- Microscope - oriented endodontics
- Preparation and restoration of posterior teeth
- Prevention of periodontal disease
- Direct restoration of teeth
- Modern prosthetics on teeth and implants
- Series of lectures on the practice of dentistry
- ZADERIN laser dentistry
- Krenizkaya Svetlana
- Ulica B. Yakimanka38А MoskvaRussie
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