Dr Antonina GETSMAN
Médecin chirurgien maxillo-facial
Dr Antonia Getsman is the head doctor of the pedodontic department in one of the private “Generation” dental clinics in Moscow, Russia. She works with children from the earliest childhood to teenagers (from infancy to adolescence) and has been using operative microscopes in her daily practice since 2008. Getsman’s publications focus on dental treatment for children of different age groups by means of modern technologies (for example, rubber dams (for kids), operative microscopes, root canal treatments, crowns, conscious sedation, behavioural management etc.) and preventive care (hygiene, preventive programs for kids with primary and permanent teeth). She is the author of a training course for pedodontists in Russia and a speaker at education centres in Russia and other countries. She lectures on various popular topics, including microscopes in paediatric practice, rubber-dam use for kids, root canal treatment in primary teeth, and adaptation, sedation and general anaesthesia treatment. She gives both lectures and hands-on courses.