Chirurgien-dentiste qualifié en chirurgie orale

Milan, Italie


Topic: Biofilm Adhesion on Different Surface Used for Prosthetic Restoration

Dr. Rasperini Graduated in dentistry from the Universita degli Studi di Pavia in Italy. He specialized in orthodontics and periodontics and he is a researcher and Professor in Periodontology at the University of Milano. He is an active member of many organizations including the European Federation of Periodontology, the American Academy of Periodontology, the Italian Society of Periodontology, the European Academy of Osseointegration and the Academy of Osseointegration. He is the winner of many awards for research focused on Periodontology and Implantology, he is an international speaker, author of several publications focused on Periodontics and Implantology with one of his interests being bacteriology on the surfaces of different implant materials. Dr. Rasperini is a Ramfjord visiting assistant Professor University of Michigan, school of dentistry and oral medicine and an Assistant Professor in periodontology in the department of surgical, reconstructive and diagnostic sciences at the University of Milan. He maintains a private Practice limited to Periodontics and Implant Therapy.

Interventions de Dr Giulio RASPERINI

  • <p>Actuellement en dentisterie, l'exigence esthétique des patients est devenue le principal défi de la parodontologie. Outre les résultats fonctionnels évidents, il est désormais important d'obtenir un succès esthétique, en particulier dans les zones antérieures, où les attentes des patients sont plus élevées. <br><br>Comprendre la biologie de la cicatrisation parodontale permettra de respecter et de protéger la phase de cicatrisation. La nouvelle classification des maladies parodontales se concentre sur le niveau d’attache clinique interdentaire. Le but des techniques classiques de chirurgie parodontale reconstructive est la régénération des défauts infra-osseux ou le recouvrement radiculaire en cas de récession gingivale. <br><br>Avec l'évolution de la chirurgie plastique régénérative, il est désormais possible de traiter simultanément les deux. Le développement au cours des dernières années, de concepts cliniques et biologiques régénératifs, de biomatériaux et de nouvelles techniques chirurgicales, permet de répondre aux demandes du patient et de régénérer l'attache interdentaire des dents compromises avec des résultats prévisibles à long terme.</p>
    • Paris
    • 40 Avenue de Friedland


    Régénérations parodontales proximales

    SFPIO Paris
  • <p>On behalf of the IAOCI, it’s a great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the International Academy of Ceramic Implantology 6th IAOCI World Congress 2017 which will be celebrated in Miami, USA, from February 16th to 18th 2017. <br>The IAOCI World Congress is an international meeting with a first-rate scientific program delivered by top international and national speakers.  Ceramic implants are revolutionizing dental implantology and today ceramic implants are proven to perform as well as titanium and titanium alloy implants. The theme of this event is  “Evidence Based Ceramic Implantology – Where Are We Today?” The academy through this yearly congress promotes and delivers innovative and forward-thinking ideas by means of workshops, lectures and symposia that enhance the understanding of and the rationale for ceramic implantology. This is a place where scientists, clinicians, students and manufacturers gather to have access to, learn from and exchange with the largest community of international experts in dental bioceramics science and technology.<br></p>
    • Miami, FL, États-Unis
    • 270 Biscayne Boulevard Way


    6th IAOCI World Congress

    Miami, FL, États-Unis
    IAOCI - International Academy of Ceramic Implan...