Dr Selim PAMUK
Ph.D: Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics 1988
Ph.D thesis: Research on posts and cores used in fixed restorations.
Associate Professor: 1991
Professor: 1998
Spoken foreign languages: French, English
Founder and President of Turkish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Turkish Prosthodontics and Implantology Association
EPA, European Prosthodontic Association
IADR, International Association For Dental Research
Past President of Implant Research Group of IADR
Actif member of Academy of Computer Aided Implantology
Founder of Society of Digital Dentistry in Turkey
Counselor for Camlog, Bredent, Nobel and Degudent
Has many publications in local and international journals. Lectures in Turkey, Slovenia, Marocco, Syria, Umman, France and Germany.
Implants, dental esthetic and CAD/CAM restorations are his main areas of interest.
Interventions de Dr Selim PAMUK