

Dr. Taisuke Tsukiboshi received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Aichi-Gakuin University School of Dentistry in Nagoya, Japan and his PhD in Prosthodontics from Osaka University Japan. He has also completed a Fellowship in Implant Dentistry from the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry.Dr. Tsukiboshi is currently in clinical practice at the Tsukiboshi Dental Clinic in Aichi, Japan, while also holding the position of Instructor for Internship Students at the Osaka University, School of Dentistry.Dr. Tsukiboshi is an Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and is also an Official Instructor for Bassi Logic.

Interventions de Dr Taisuke TSUKIBOSHI

  • <ol><li><strong>Endodontic Congress in Kyoto. Introduction to Japanese School of dentistry. In the most beautiful city in Japan, during the cherry blossom season.</strong><br>At this magical time, thousands of trees are adorned with delicate pink and white flowers. We want to share this moment with you.<br>The cherry blossom bloom in Japan symbolizes renewal and beauty. At our unforgettable Congress, you will refresh your knowledge in the field of endodontics, be inspired by new ideas, and fall even more in love with your profession.<br>Presentations of legendary Japanese dentists, meeting colleagues from around the world, and enjoying the wonders of nature. All this awaits you at the OHI-S Endodontic Congress in Kyoto.<br><br>❗❗❗ Exclusive Congress only for <a href="https://ohi-s.com/subscription/" rel="nofollow"><strong><em>Premium+36 and Premium+48 Membership Access</em></strong></a> Holders!<br>To participate in the Congress, you must first activate your Premium membership access.<br>The price indicated on the website represents the membership fee for the OHI-S Premium+36. If you purchase the Congress from this webpage, a manager will contact you shortly to activate your membership access Premium.<br>“<a href="https://ohi-s.com/seminar/170777/" rel="nofollow"><em>VIP</em></a>” participation option is also available for purchase.<strong><br><br>Advantages of the “Comfort” participation option:</strong><br>– Participation in the scientific program<br>– Coffee break<br>– Notes and handouts<br>– Certificate of participation<br>– ADA credits available upon request<br>– Lunch <br>– A recording of the congress<br>– Priority seats in the venue.<strong><br><br>PROGRAM<br><br>Yoshi TERAUCHI</strong><strong><br>Lecture 1 | Non-surgical root canal retreatment: Yoshi Terauchi's protocols. Part 1<br>Lecture 2 | Non-surgical root canal retreatment: Yoshi Terauchi's protocols. Part 2</strong><br>– Causes of endodontic instrument breakage<br>– Causes of ledge formation of root canals<br>– Mechanism of ledge formation<br>– Factors affecting the success in broken file removal<br>– Diagnosis and treatment planning for broken file removal<br>– Concepts of BFR<br>– Non-surgical retreatment of root canals: complex clinical cases<br>– Author's protocols for non-surgical retreatment of root canals<br>– Author's protocols for treating root canals with a ledge<br>– Key techniques to bypass ledges<strong><br><br>Mitsuhiro TSUKIBOSHI</strong><strong><br>Lecture 1 | Dental trauma</strong><br>– Minimally invasive treatment of dental trauma<br>– Fixation of a broken crown fragment to a tooth<br>– Preservation of the vitality of exposed pulp<br>– Luxated teeth: a step-by-step treatment protocol.<strong><br><br>Lecture 2 | Vital pulp therapy</strong><br>– What is “vital pulp therapy”<br>– Indications for vital pulp therapy<br>– Step-by-step protocol for vital pulp therapy<br>– Scientific component of using vital pulp therapy for treating young patients.<strong><br><br>Katsushi OKAZAKI</strong><strong><br>X-ray technology: applications in research, education, and clinical practice</strong><strong><br><br>Taisuke TSUKIBOSHI<br>Endodontic protocols in dental traumatology</strong><br><br>– The basic treatment plans for traumatized teeth<br>– Endodontic treatment for traumatized teeth (apexogenesis, pulpotomy, pulpectomy)<br>– The results of delayed replantation in adult age<br>– Extrusion<br>– The treatment plan for multipul trauma<br>– When will implants be needed after trauma?<strong><br><br>Hidetaka ISHIZAKI</strong><strong><br>Treatment and strategy of perforation</strong><br>– What is the most important point of the perforation repair<br>– How to manage the perforation area<br>– The outcome of the perforation repair<br>– Classification and treatment planning of the perforation<br>– Proceddure of the perforation repair<br>– Clinical examination and diagnosis of the perforation.</li></ol>
    • Kyoto, Japon
    • Japon


    Endodontic Congress in Kyoto

    Kyoto, Japon
    OHI-S medical technology
  • <p>En cette période magique, des milliers d'arbres se parent de délicates fleurs roses et blanches.<br>Nous souhaitons partager ce moment avec vous.<br>La floraison des cerisiers au Japon symbolise le renouveau et la beauté.<br>Lors de notre congrès inoubliable, vous rafraîchirez vos connaissances dans le domaine de l'endodontie, vous serez inspiré par de nouvelles idées et tomberez encore plus amoureux de votre profession.<br>Présentations de dentistes japonais légendaires, rencontres avec des collègues du monde entier et découverte des merveilles de la nature.<br>Tout cela vous attend au congrès d'endodontie OHI-S à Kyoto.<strong><br><br>Cours 1 | Reprise non chirurgicale des traitements canalaires : les protocoles de Yoshi Terauchi. Partie 1</strong><strong><br>Conférence 2 | Retraitement canalaire non chirurgical : les protocoles de Yoshi Terauchi. Partie 2</strong><br>Yoshi TERAUCHI<br>– Causes de la rupture des instruments endodontiques<br>– Causes de la formation de rebords des canaux radiculaires – Mécanisme de formation de rebords<br>– Facteurs affectant le succès du retrait d'une lime cassée – Diagnostic et planification du traitement pour le retrait d'une lime cassée<br>– Concepts de BFR – Retraitement canalaire non chirurgical : cas cliniques complexes<br>– Protocoles de l'auteur pour le retraitement non chirurgical des canaux radiculaires<br>– Protocoles de l'auteur pour le traitement des canaux radiculaires avec un rebord – Techniques clés pour contourner les rebords.<br><br>Mitsuhiro TSUKIBOSHI<strong><br>Conférence 1 | Traumatisme dentaire</strong><br>– Traitement mini-invasif des traumatismes dentaires – Fixation d'un fragment de couronne cassé sur une dent<br>– ​​Préservation de la vitalité de la pulpe exposée – Dents luxées : un protocole de traitement étape par étape.<strong><br><br>Conférence 2 | Thérapie pulpaire vitale</strong><br>– Qu’est-ce que la « thérapie pulpaire vitale »<br>– Indications de la thérapie pulpaire vitale<br>– Protocole étape par étape de la thérapie pulpaire vitale<br>– Composante scientifique de l’utilisation de la thérapie pulpaire vitale pour le traitement des jeunes patients.<br><br>Katsushi OKAZAKI<strong><br>Technologie des rayons X : applications dans la recherche, l’enseignement et la pratique clinique</strong><br><br>Taisuke TSUKIBOSHI<strong><br>Protocoles endodontiques en traumatologie dentaire</strong><br>– Les plans de traitement de base pour les dents traumatisées<br>– Traitement endodontique des dents traumatisées (apexogenèse, pulpotomie, pulpectomie)<br>– Les résultats de la réimplantation différée à l’âge adulte – Extrusion<br>– Le plan de traitement des traumatismes multiples<br>– Quand les implants seront-ils nécessaires après un traumatisme ?<br><br>Hidetaka ISHIZAKI<strong><br>Traitement et stratégie de la perforation</strong><br>– Quel est le point le plus important de la réparation de la perforation<br>– Comment gérer la zone de perforation<br>– Le résultat de la réparation de la perforation<br>– Classification et planification du traitement de la perforation<br>– Procédure de réparation de la perforation<br>– Examen clinique et diagnostic de la perforation.</p>
    • Kyoto, Japon
    • Japon


    Congrès d'endodontie à Kyoto

    Kyoto, Japon
    OHI-S medical technology OU
  • <p><strong>Koelnmesse Pte Ltd and the Singapore Dental Association (SDA</strong>) are proud to announce the launch of exhibition sales for IDEM 2024, the 13th International Dental Exhibition and Meeting, which will return to its April dates from 19-21 April 2024 at Marina Bay Sands, promises to be even more exceptional than previous editions.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>IDEM </strong>is the leading dental exhibition and conference in the Asia-Pacific region, attracting exhibitors and attendees from around the region. <br>With the expansion of the hall space, the event is expected to host around 500 exhibitors and welcome more than 8000 attendees from 70 countries. <br>Mathias Kuepper, Managing Director and Vice President Asia-Pacific, Koelnmesse Pte Ltd said, "We are excited to be working with our longstanding partners the Singapore Dental Association once again to bring IDEM 2024 to the dental industry. <br>After IDEM’s overwhelming success as in-person event last year, we look forward to growing the show even more and providing international companies the ideal launchpad into the Asia-Pacific Market." Dr Lawrence Yong, President of Singapore Dental Association, stated, "IDEM is a platform that provides dental professionals a unique opportunity to interact with the industry's leading minds and leading companies. <strong><br>The IDEM 2024 conference</strong> theme combines expertise from both research and practice under the theme of 'Exceptional Dentistry: Techniques, Technologies and Trends', and will provide a platform for dental professionals to explore new advancements and innovations in the field that they can take back to their dental clinic." <strong><br>The IDEM 2024 exhibition</strong> will fully maximize close to 17,000sqm floor space on a single level, moving all 3 conference tracks up to be consolidated on the first floor. <br>The exhibition will also expand the number of meeting spaces, such as the business matching lounge, meeting pods and recharge points on the exhibition floor. <br>The exhibition will feature over 500 exhibitors showcasing a wide range of products and services, including dental equipment, instruments, materials, and software. In addition to the exhibition, IDEM 2024 will also feature a comprehensive scientific conference programme running 3 parallel tracks and hands-on workshops.</p>
    • Singapore, Singapour
    • 10 Bayfront Avenue


    IDEM 2024 - International Dental Exhibition and Meeting

    Singapore, Singapour
    IDEM - International Dental Exhibition and Meeting