Le Dr Ziv Mazor est l’un des principaux parodontistes israéliens. Il est diplômé du département de parodontie de l’école de médecine dentaire Hadassah-Jérusalem Israël où il a été instructeur clinique et chargé de cours pour les étudiants en médecine dentaire de premier cycle et de troisième cycle.
Le Dr Mazor maintient un cabinet privé limité à la dentisterie parodontale et implantaire à Tel Aviv, en Israël. Depuis 1993, le Dr Mazor est engagé dans la recherche clinique dans le domaine de l’augmentation osseuse et de l’élévation du plancher sinusien.
Il est un auteur bien publié sur ces sujets et a donné de nombreuses conférences aux niveaux national et international. Le Dr Mazor est l’ancien président de la Société israélienne de parodontologie et est actuellement le président élu de l’Association israélienne des implants oraux.
Dr. Ziv Mazor is a leading Israeli periodontist. He graduated from the periodontal department of Hadassah
School for Dental Medicine in Jerusalem, Israel where he served as clinical instructor and lecturer for undergraduate and postgraduate dental students.
Dr. Mazor maintains his private practice limited to periodontal and implant dentistry in Ra’anana, Israel. He is a well published author on these subjects and serves on the editorial board of several international dental journals.
Since 1993 Dr Mazor is engaged in clinical research in the field of bone augmentation and sinus floor elevation. He is currently participating in the quest for improving and evaluating new grafting materials using various growth factors and utilizing innovative surgical techniques.
Dr. Mazor is a worldwide known speaker and has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally. He conduct and moderates advanced international implant courses and workshops. He is part of the continuing education faculty of NYU, an associate professor at Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest and a visiting professor at several other European universities.
In recognition to his scientific achievements he received the 2008 Ralph McKinney award for basic and clinical research on a study published in Implant Dentistry. He is the past president of the Israeli Periodontal Society and an active member in numerous societies such as the American Academy of Periodontology, Academy of Osseointegration, European Federation of Periodontology and a Diplomat of the ICOI.